Coach / Programming
When I was a junior in high school I fractured my wrist in a football game. When I went to the doctors they couldn’t find the fracture on an X-ray, so it was treated as a sprain initially. After an MRI revealed the fracture, the doctors tried to treat it as a normal break and threw me in a cast, but 6 weeks later it was still broken. After surgery and recovery, I was cleared to play again for my senior year. Unfortunately, I had strep throat and mono at the same time, so again I was not cleared to play. I could have hung everything up then and decided to move on, but I stuck with it and earned my place on the starting lineup. We ended up having a successful season with my help on the offensive line as a blocking tight end. I ended up being 2nd team in the state without a single reception! From that point on I knew that even when everything seems to be going against you, it’s always worth sticking with something until you accomplish what you set out to do.